
CHREAA is dedicated to combating torture and ill-treatment in places of detention through its ‘Combating Torture in Places of Detention Project,’ generously funded by the United Nations Voluntary Funds for Victims of Torture. This initiative aims to safeguard the rights and dignity of individuals held in detention facilities, striving to eradicate the abhorrent practice of torture and ensure accountability within law enforcement agencies.

The project employs a comprehensive approach to address the issue, offering a range of support services to victims of torture. These services include psychosocial counseling, medical assistance, periodic cell visits, camp courts, and legal representation. By providing holistic support, CHREAA seeks to alleviate the suffering of survivors and empower them to seek redress for the injustices they have endured.

Moreover, the project focuses on enhancing reporting mechanisms for torture cases, enabling victims to approach CHREAA to file complaints regarding torture and abuse by law enforcement. By facilitating access to justice, the project aims to promote accountability and uphold human rights standards within detention facilities.

Through its steadfast commitment to combating torture, CHREAA continues to advocate for a society free from the scourge of torture, where the rights and dignity of all individuals are respected and protected.